Bored house-life
change - consultancy - positivity
I wanted to write a piece about motivation, fighting procrastination, setting goals, getting off your phone, putting ideas into action, stopping putting things off, having a better vision and planning, but then I couldn’t really be bothered.
When I finally got round to googling it, I found out that 84% of the population has experience of putting off those all important must-do tasks. There are so many ways of describing this negative adjourn. Hundreds of counsellors, life coaches, youtubers and mental health professionals will think they can help you solve the malaise but invariably don't have the magic fix. I have no real answers (sorry) except I’m pretty sure that there is no single answer. However, I think have suffered from this as much as anyone else, particularly during lockdown, so this goes out to all the small business people, homeworkers, consultants, and job seekers feeling the same thing. Firstly I have 5 things that have helped me (in some part). I even motivated myself to provide the links for you.
Pomodoro technique Success Wizard How to be brilliant Trello Prince EA Secondly, an inspirational verse or two from a poem written by a lovely old chap called Brian who lives in my home town of Malvern Catch him @lordgraham1 on Twitter.. These poems are made entirely out of the letters from the title. (Eg. p,r,o,c,r,a,s,t,i,n,a,t,i,o,and n)
(A Pro Procrastination Oration)
To start
Procrastination is not a sin Nor is it satanic
So procrastination is not A.S.A.P.
Nor is it pronto
It’s not instant
It’s not 'I can’t'
Or an anti-start
It is a start
It’s not on 'n on 'n on
It’s not static or still
It’s not a cast iron, constant, or a sprint into.
Its procrastination!